By: El Maska
Posted on September 02, 2009 13:17
Super Luchas, Mexico's most popular Lucha Libre weekly news magazine, is making a push into the US market by offering discounted monthly, semi-annual and annual magazine subscriptions with an official re-launch sale.
The sales quantities are limited, so be sure to get your subscription to Super Luchas Revista today. The site, as well as the magazine is in Spanish, of course, but if you don't hablas español, this will be a good way to practice, and get all the latest lucha libre news and photos. Sales
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By: El Maska
Posted on July 24, 2009 10:47
Finally, after a false start on account of the flu issue a few months back, it's time for the third annual Lucha Libre: La Experiencia Expo this weekend. Maska Lucha will be there, and we will hopefully have some photos next week!
Image HT
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By: El Maska
Posted on July 07, 2009 20:17
Rob Zombie's animated Lucha Libre flick, The Haunted World of El Superbeasto, which reportedly cost $10 million to make, is finally getting released, however straight to DVD and Bluray. The dirty animated movie, starring luchadores, strippers, probably some zombies and a combination of the previously mentioned, features voices of Paul Giamatti, Clint Howard, Rosario Dawson, and others.
Even though I've linked it here, don't bother going to the official site, as there isn't much there.
HT: Cinematical.com
Official Site
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By: El Maska
Posted on May 07, 2009 08:51
For the serious lucha libre collector, an original, ring-worn Huracán Ramírez mask is up on Ebay. Autographed by Huracán, it looks to be in very good condition. The mask is coming out of a private collection and is being sold by Super Luchas.
Check it out here. /p>
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By: El Maska
Posted on April 14, 2009 10:20
Maska Lucha is proud to present official Atlantis masks. Choose from 6 different color styles, each available in Commercial and Professional grades.
These are official Atlantis products, and are autographed by Atlantis himself. A portion of the sale goes directly to the luchador.
Shop Atlantis Masks
View all Lucha Libre Masks
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By: El Maska
Posted on April 14, 2009 06:53
Burger King's latest ad promo is for the Texican Whopper, billed as "The taste of Texas, with a little, spicy Mexican". As you can see, the 'Texas' part of the equation is represented by a lanky Texas cowboy, while the 'little, spicy Mexican' is none other than a luchador little person.
This has the Mexican ambassador to Spain's wrestling tights in a bind (the ad is currently only showing in Europe) as he claims it purports negative Mexican stereotypes.
Not sure what negative stereotypes he's referring to, because little spicy Mexican luchadores are awesome. I think I'm a fan of 'El Cachito', as he appears to be named. I like that Rey Mysterio style mask, and of course, the colors! What do you think?
Please view the post to watch the commercial.
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By: El Maska
Posted on April 03, 2009 14:03
Muttpop, the maker of fine collectable art figurines, will be releasing a new figure to their popular Lucha Libre line, named Tequila 2.0. The new version of one of their original characters comes with a removable poncho and, blood. I don't the blood is his, as I don't see any cuts on him...
You can pick up yours from the Muttpop online store.
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By: El Maska
Posted on March 31, 2009 11:52
Strictlyfitteds.com is reporting on a new Lucha Libre styled fitted hat being released by designer hat company 7Union. I can't seem to find much info on availability on the 7Union site.
Looks pretty cool, but I think it was definitely inspired by Dos Caras design. What do you think?
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By: El Maska
Posted on March 24, 2009 01:55
You may have noticed that things look a little different here at ole sitio de Maska Lucha. In addition to adding some new Tinieblas and Axel masks to the line-up, we've also changed the site around a little bit.
We're not just a pretty face, though (Not that you could ever tell since El Maska is always enmascarado...) as there are some new functionality under the hood.
Most importantly, we've updated the Site search. It's been improved to where you can now search for particular masks by things like wrestler name, color, pro-style, commercial style, lace-up...You name it. If we have a mask that fits your description, it will come up.
Still not finding what you want? Never fear, we're stepping away from the site beautification for a while in order to bring you want you really want -- more masks! Stay tuned. In the next few weeks, we've got some more official masks from of the biggest Lucha Libre names!
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By: El Maska
Posted on March 19, 2009 13:13
Maska Lucha now has official products from lucha libre greats Tinieblas and AXEL, El Nieto de El Santo!
In addition to each mask being an official product of the wrester, the masks are Autographed by the Wrestlers!
We now have 5 different styles of Tinieblas professional and commercial grade masks, and don't foget Tinieblas' sidekick, Alushe!
AXEL brings 4 different styles of masks, ranging from an AXEL Pro-style GALA mask to a child's pull-over.
View All Tinieblas Masks
View All AXEL Masks
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ATLANTIS - Militar Blue |
Stock |
Base Price |
$47.00 |

ATLANTIS - Red-Black (rojo-negro) |
Stock |
Base Price |
$47.00 |

Official Semi-Professional AXEL MASK Signed |
Stock |
Price |
$37.00 |

Stock |
Price |
$205.00 |

Stock |
Price |
$205.00 |

OFFICIAL semi-professional Mask TINIEBLAS METALLIC |
Stock |
Price |
$53.00 |

Stock |
Price |
$210.00 |